Tennessee EMS Education Association

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#27 - Beyond Survival: Briana Browne’s Journey of Resilience, Hope, and Suicide Prevention

In this deeply moving episode of the TEMSEA Leadership Podcast, we sit down with Briana Browne, the only known survivor of a jump from the Natchez Trace Bridge, as she shares her powerful story of resilience, mental health recovery, and suicide prevention. Briana recounts waking up in the hospital with life-threatening injuries, processing her survival, and how she turned that experience into a mission to save lives. She discusses the critical importance of mental health support, breaking the stigma of suicide, and her work with the Bridge Barrier Coalition, which has successfully prevented further suicides at the bridge. Now a speaker and advocate, Briana is using her story to inspire hope and change in healthcare, emergency services, and beyond. This episode is a must-listen for first responders, healthcare professionals, and anyone seeking a deeper understanding of suicide prevention and trauma recovery.

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#27 - Beyond Survival: Briana Browne’s Journey of Resilience, Hope, and Suicide Prevention