Official TEMSEA Blog
Educate and inspire EMS colleagues in Tennessee and beyond. Submissions for the TEMSEA blog are designed for educators, providers, and students to showcase their professional work to our industry. Whether it's an article, a video, or a photo, this blog is the perfect way to reach a dedicated audience of Tennessee EMS educators and providers. Highlight the great things going on in your agency, or use this chance to illustrate how you're teaching other EMS professionals.
Do you have an article or piece of media you want to share? Click the button below, and don't forget to share it on social media.
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As both a paramedic and educator, I am often asked how I deal with death and dying.
Add Your Voice to TN EMS Educators and Beyond
Do you have some eye-catching photos, great training videos, or well-written articles EMS-related that you're willing to share?