Award-Winning Emergency Physicians Share Their Secrets to Success

Dr. Jeremy Brywczynski and Dr. Jared McKinney, both highly accomplished and respected leaders in the field of emergency medicine, generously share their secrets to success. Dr. Brywczynski emphasizes the importance of effective communication and building strong relationships within the team. He believes that fostering a culture of open dialogue and collaboration allows for the best outcomes. Additionally, Dr. McKinney highlights the significance of continuous learning and personal growth. He encourages aspiring leaders to stay updated on the latest advancements in their field and to never shy away from seeking new challenges. Both leaders stress the value of leading by example, displaying integrity, and being compassionate towards patients and colleagues. Their shared wisdom serves as a guiding light for aspiring leaders in the field of emergency medicine inspiring them to lead with excellence and humility.


#10: Leading Through Adversity: Cultivating Safety, Resilience, and Preparedness in Healthcare with Krista Haugen


Leading Yourself Through the Lens of the Younger Generation